What Should You Feed Rabbits?

Adam & LauraPet Advice, pet health, Rabbits Leave a Comment

What You Should Know About Rabbits' Diets Image

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These furry little creatures make for great pets, especially in households where kids are present, and there’s no surprise that these are the third most common house pet in the UK behind cats and dogs.

It’s funny however, that so many people still keep getting their rabbit’s diet wrong. If you think that rabbit food that you buy from a pet store is enough to keep your hoppy little friend happy, you’re wrong.


Is Pellet Food Enough?


Pellet rabbit food – the stuff that you buy from most pet foods, is actually only a tiny part of the staple diet a rabbit needs to stay fit and healthy. These animals are herbivores though – that means they eat greenery; grass, plants, etc. You can’t seriously expect to get all the good stuff from those plants in those pellets you keep feeding it? It doesn’t even look appetising. Plus it makes them fat – studies have shown that rabbits fed on a pellet-based diet are more overweight than those that are fed from an all-round varied menu.


Fresh Hay Saves The Day!


Bunnies need so much more than just pellets to stay fit. They need hay – the fresher the hay, the better. Grassy hay like brone, oat, wheat and timothy should always be there for your pet. This gives them vitamins A and D, protein, and even calcium if you mix various hays together. Good quality pet stores will usually sell a selection of mixed hays.


Rabbit Superfood – Grass & Leafy Vegetables


Rabbits also need grass and plants that grow in your garden too. This is why a summer run for the rabbit is a great idea – they can munch away on the grass indoor garden and get a good treat with things like dandelions to keep them entertained.

Of course, leafy vegetables are absolutely essential for a healthy rabbit and in fact, should make up 75% of the rabbits total diet. This means foods like spinach, mint, basil, parsley, sprouts, watercress, turnips, etc. These are all foods that you could even grow in your garden with the kids for an added bonus!


Carrots & Peppers


About 15% of your rabbit’s diet should be other vegetables like carrots, cabbage, bell peppers, and celery, and the odd bit of fruit will go down nicely too. You should avoid feeding your bunny a lot of fruit however; it can cause obesity and problems with upset stomachs because it is too rich for their small tums. The odd bit of de-seeded apple, slices of banana, handful of berries or de-stoned plum makes for a nice treat but make sure you don’t feed them these tasty delights too often.

Of course, you’re going to want to make sure that you’re not feeding your rabbit anything that’s bad for it. There are cure a few foods that will cause adverse effect sin your bunny and the golden rule is this – if you aren’t sure, look it up or pick something else.


Foods To Avoid


Sweet potato, tomatoes, egg plants, almonds, chocolate, caffeinated products and alcohol are very bad for the bunny, and you should also avoid things like any nuts, raisins, grapes and anything bread-based too.


A healthy and happy bunny is one that is well looked after and for this, you must ensure that you are feeding them the right foods. If you ever have any doubt, just ask someone – a bet, your local Cheshire Pet Sitter, or the internet! (Just make sure you use a decent, reputable website to find your info!)


Adam & Laura

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Photo provided by artemisphoto / freedigitalphotos.net

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