Mittens (white black and ginger) Lucy (Brown Tabby) Charlie (Brown Tabby) All 3 felines are 2 years old, have been neutered & have had their first vaccinations. Mittens and Lucy need to stay together and …
6 Things You Should Know About Adopting A Kitten
Adopting a kitten into your loving home will be the best decision you ever make…. as long as you are prepared for the crazy little fur-ball that is about to destroy your possessions. Don’t be …
Keeping Your Pets Safe In The Cold
There is some super cold weather out there right now, and it seems to be getting worse with every winter that passes, don’t you think? The wetness is almost mind-numbing, and the temperatures are bitterly …
What To Do If You Find A Stray Cat
Very recently this happened to one of our friends and you’d be amazed at how little information there is when you find a stray cat wandering around. Of course, you do need to understand there …
5 Best Pet Apps
Have you ever had a friend that created a Facebook page for their cat or dog? Believe it or not, however bonkers it may sound, we know of at least three people that have done …
Christmas Gift Ideas For Cat Lovers
Come on – we all know that one budding crazy cat lady (or man)! There’s something about those cute little cat-faces that most of can’t help but fall in love with and with the holidays …
Top 5 Christmas Presents For Cats
Do you always buy your cats the same old toys each christmas? This year, instead of buying your kitty the same old chew toys and cat nip treats, why not think about something a little …
Basic Cat First Aid Tips
Let’s be honest about this – part of the responsibility of being a pet owner is to take care of them as best as you can. In some ways, this is the same as the …
7 Foods You Shouldn’t Be Feeding Your Cat!
You might not think twice about feeding all sorts of scraps to your cat, but you need to be careful, as there are a few foods that are actually poisonous to cats. Part of your …
What Are The 5 Best Cat Feeders?
Automatic cat feeders – as soon as you say it almost makes you sound too lazy, doesn’t it? In fact, you don’t need to be a lazy pet owner to need one of these handy …