These furry little creatures make for great pets, especially in households where kids are present, and there’s no surprise that these are the third most common house pet in the UK behind cats and dogs. …
Basic Cat First Aid Tips
Let’s be honest about this – part of the responsibility of being a pet owner is to take care of them as best as you can. In some ways, this is the same as the …
The A-Z Of Dog Breeds – The Cocker Spaniel
History of The Cocker Spaniel Cocker Spaniels were originally bred to flush out game birds and then retrieve them when their owner commanded them to. They are still used by some for the same …
5 Tips To Keep Your Pets Happy & Safe On Firework & Bonfire Night
Bonfire night is one of our favourite times of year, but unfortunately for a lot of pets, it is their worst! Follow these tips to keep your pets happy during firework season. 1. …
Stick Injuries In Dogs | Causes & Treatment
Does your dog like to fetch sticks and chew them up? Well you might want to think twice about letting them play with sticks again! Vets in Cheshire on average treat 2 dogs a month …
What Is Home From Home Dog Boarding?
What Is Home From Home Dog Boarding? One of the most popular questions that we get asked is – what actually is Home From Home Dog Boarding? In a nut shell, home dog boarding …
Fleas: Preventing & Treating Fleas In Cats & Dogs
Has My Cat Or Dog Got Fleas? If you notice that your cat or dog is scratching more than normal then this is the first warning sign that they may have fleas. The next …
Harry The Hedgehog Trapped Down A Drain Pipe! *Updated*
When I went to walk Baxter the soft Staffy this morning I encountered a very funny little face staring up at me when I stepped out of the car. I peered down into the open …
Should I Get Pet Insurance For My Dog Or Cat?
This is a question that we get asked a lot as Pet Sitters, and it is a question that is not as black and white as you might think. Young Pets We feel it is …
7 Foods You Shouldn’t Be Feeding Your Cat!
You might not think twice about feeding all sorts of scraps to your cat, but you need to be careful, as there are a few foods that are actually poisonous to cats. Part of your …